The Road Engineering of Asia and Australasia (REAAA) is a regional body set up to promote and advance the science and practice of road engineering and related professions. Regional co-operation and technical harmony are the underlying principles of the Association.
The association promotes the science and practice of road engineering and related professions in the Asia Pacific region through developing professional and commercial links within and between countries in the region. REAAA was set up in June 1973 with a permanent secretariat in Malaysia. It has more than 1,400 members in about 24 countries and holds regular events including an annual head of road authorities (HORA) meeting, a triennial international conference, technical visits and study tours, trade exhibitions, seminars, forums and workshops.
Local REAAA Chapters have been set up in Australia, Brunei, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand and the Philippines.
The REAAA parent body website is
A copy of the latest REAAA Council newsletter is available here