2018 REAAA Roadshow
- From Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) to Integrated Journey Management (IJM) and Successful Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) by Koorosh Olyai, Stantec US
- New Zealand Cycling LOS by Peter Kortegast, WSP Opus
- Self-driving and driver assisted trucks Impacts for New Zealand by John Houlker, NIC
- What are we doing to get the future transport skills we need? by Stephen Hewett, Beca & Doug Wilson, University of Auckland
- NZTA's Weigh Right Programme by Graham Taylor, NZ Transport Agency
- Great Kiwi Road Trips: Transforming our Visitor Journey Experience by Jared Thomas, WSP Opus
- Local Topic Auckland - Matakohe–Transforming delivery in Northland by Jim Sephton, NZ Transport Agency
- Local Topic Auckland - BIM For City Rail Link by Asem Zabin & Simon Lough, City Rail Link
- Local Topic Wellington - Te Ahu a Turanga; Manawatū Gorge Replacement Project by Lonnie Dalzell, NZ Transport Agency
- Local Topic Wellington & Christchurch - Waitangi Wharf Upgrade Project by Raye Powell, AECOM & Hugh Milliken, Downer
- Local Topic Christchurch - Taramakau Road Bridge by Matt Loach, Fulton Hogan & Colin MacKay, NZ Transport Agency
- Local Topic Dunedin - Peninsula Connection by Andrew Whaley, GHD & Richard Saunders, Dunedin City Council
- Local Topic Dunedin - Kawarau Falls Bridge by Phil Dowsett, NZ Transport Agency
- YPC Auckland - Future proofing roading infrastructure for the E – Revolution by Kieran Soma, Higgins
- YPC Auckland - Ultramender An innovative new maintenance material by Nikhil Vishwanath, Road Science
- YPC Auckland - Technology Enhanced Innovative Traffic Management for a Sustainable Road Network by Rachel Nixon, WSP Opus
- YPC Auckland - Third-Party Access Permits by Samantha Prendergast, Auckland Motorway Alliance
- YPC Rotorua - Transportation Transformation In the Whakatāne District Council by Ann- Elise Moon, Whakatāne District Council
- YPC Rotorua - Proactive Management of Slope Hazards in the Transport Industry - Waioeka Gorge Pilot Study by Catherine Roh, Gaia Engineers
- YPC Rotorua - The Cost of Roading by David Alexander, Road Science
- YPC Rotorua - Ohakune Mountain Road Pavement Rehabilitation by Heather Riches, GHD
- YPC Wellington - Inclement Weather, exploring the issue and concepts to address a known industry risk by Ben Lin, Higgins
- YPC Wellington - Graffiti Management by Roderick Hadiwibowo, Auckland Motorway Alliance
- YPC Wellington - Operating a network; enhancing incident response by Zane Davidson, Auckland Motorway Alliance
- YPC Christchurch - SH77 Rakaia Gorge Bridge No.1 by Andrew Bradfield, WSP Opus
- YPC Christchurch - RC bridge balustrade replacements by Paul Ferguson, Christchurch City Council
- YPC Christchurch - SH6 Haven Road Share Pathway Nelson by Rohit Matta, WSP Opus