2019 LVR Workshop
- Managing the Backlog? Steve Batchelor, Saber (Asset Management) Ltd
- Low Volume Roads - Where it all began, Mark Chamberlain, LVR Chair
- Unsealed Raod Condition - Using existing tools smarter to measure, Lee Hautler & Roslyn Strowger, HEB Construction
- How NZ Transport Agency Manages Structures, Liam Coleman, NZTA
- Alternative Coastal Route Improvements, Fletcher Cranfield and Regan McRandle, The Roading Company
- Knowledge is Power - Managing Road Maintenance on a remote island, Neil Bennett, Roads Consulting Ltd
- Automated Assessment of Dust Emissions on Unsealed Roads, Mark Allan, University of Auckland
- Clarence Valley Access, Peter Thomson, Kaikoura District Council & Mark Weeds, NZTA
- Recycled Crushed Concrete and Sealed Low Volume Road Construction, Greg Arnold, Pritesh Karan & Shane Browne, Downer
- April 2017 - Storm Recovery, Ann-Elise Reynolds, Whakatane District Council
- Rural Whanganui Managing Scour, Brent Holmes, Whanganui District Council & Rangi Woods, Downer
- Smart Design - Roading Drainage, Josephy McLean, P&F Global
- TRB Conference - Kalispell, Carly Hamlin, Fulton Hogan Ltd
- Coastal Living - Protecting Settlements from Wild Seas, Kushla Tapper, Hurunui District Council
- Audit Findings, Tony Lange, NZTA
- Innovative Methodologies to Remedy Chip Seal Flushing, Nick Schilov, Hiway Group
- Mt White Road - Hawdon River Bypass Bridge, Mark Chamberlain, Selwyn District Council
- Rock and rolling on unsealed roads, Paul Herbison, Walk n Roll
- Advanced Restoration Methods for Timber Bridges, Dan Tingley, Wood Research & Development