REAAA NZ has held the Low Volume Roads Workshops in New Zealand every two years since 2003. Every one of those has been successful and REAAA want to reinvest some of the proceeds in this award.
The LVR Rising Star Award provides the opportunity for REAAA NZ members to develop the skills and expertise necessary to enhance their senior management or industry leadership capability. The award covered the full costs, other than salary, for the winner to attend the 13th TRB International Conference on Low Volume Roads, held 23 - 26 July 2023 at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The award also contributed to the cost of a study tour of up to 10 days in the USA either before or after that Conference.
The award was to a maximum value of $10,000 (NZD).
Closing Date: The closing date for all applications was 14 October 2022.
The recipient of the 2022 award was Kushla Tapper.